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Study: online abuse of Hungary journalists ubiquitous

Read this article in Hungarian. The online harassment of journalists in Hungary adds a new dimension to the country’s overall state of freedom of expression, according to a new report released today by the International Press Institute (IPI). The report presents the findings of a three-month study focused on mapping and analysing online attacks against […]

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Az újságírók online zaklatása mindennapos Magyarországon az IPI kutatása szerint

Read this article in English. Az újságírók online zaklatása a magyarországi szólásszabadság helyzetének egy újabb dimenzióját mutatja be az International Press Institute (IPI) ma publikált jelentése szerint. A jelentés bemutatja a magyar online újságírók internetes zaklatását vizsgáló, három hónapos kutatás eredményeit. Kilenc, eltérő ideológiai háttérrel rendelkező médium újságírói vettek részt a kutatásban, a fő adatgyűjtési […]

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Council of Europe Report: Attacks against journalists increased in last year

Over the last year more than 200 serious violations of media freedom were recorded in Europe as the COVID-19 pandemic continued to have a serious impact on independent journalism, according to the annual report of the Council of Europe Platform to promote the protection of journalism and the safety of journalists published yesterday. The number […]

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Three months on, Qatar still blocking Doha News

Independent online news portal Doha News has blasted the Qatari government’s ongoing block of the website in the country, saying that the nearly-three-month-old effort amounted to censorship. The country’s two telecommunications providers, Ooredoo and Vodafone, have blocked access to Doha News since Nov. 30 and the site is only accessibly through a Virtual Private Network […]

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