Latest News on OnTheLine

Group: 2017 was ‘year of crimes of opinion’ in Spain

Leer en español For the Platform in Defence of Free Expression (PDLI), 2017 was a very bad year for freedom of expression, in particular due to the terrorism convictions of individuals who have no links to violent activity and who were instead charged on the basis of opinions expressed on social networks or for their […]

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Spain’s PDLI to monitor harassment of female journalists on social media

Leer en español The Madrid-based Platform for the Defence of Free Expression (PDLI) has announced that it will create an observatory to monitor the harassment of female journalists on social media in Spain in cooperation with the Spanish Federation of Journalist Unions (FeSP), which is a member of the platform. According to the Organization for […]

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Self-censorship in Turkey growing, journalists report

Zur deutschen Version Online freedom continues to decline in Turkey, leading to growing self-censorship by its journalists. Twitter’s latest biannual Transparency Report, covering the first half of this year, showed that Turkish authorities continued to make the most requests to the website to remove or withhold content, accounting for approximately 45 percent of all requests […]

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Journalists in Finland face ‘unprecedented’ levels of online abuse

Finnish journalist Linda Pelkonen can still remember the feeling of fear. “I thought these people were out of their minds and that they would come and find me,” she said, recounting a wave of online harassment against her in 2015 in a recent interview with the International Press Institute (IPI). So Pelkonen could empathise strongly […]

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