Our Network – IPI pioneers
IPI-IMS Free Media Pioneers are trailblazing media or press freedom organisations that have opened up new frontiers for the free flow of news and information in their countries.
IPI established the Free Media Pioneer Award in 1997. The award is given annually at the IPI World Congress.
Since 2015, IPI has been proud to present the Free Media Pioneer Award in partnership with International Media Support (IMS).
This award is not only for those that form the network Periodistas de a Pie. This prize is for all journalists who are fighting a great battle in Mexico to disarm the machine of death, to break censorship, to reveal corruption and human rights violations. To tell the world what the world does not want to see.
– Daniela Pastrana, Periodistas de a Pie (2015)

Afghan Journalists Safety Committee
Afghanistan (2017)

Turkey (2016)

Periodistas de a Pie
Mexico (2015)

Middle East (2014)

Radio Free Sarawak
Malaysia (2013)

34 Multimedia Magazine
Belarus (2012)

Radio Kalima
Tunisia, (2011)

Radio Okapi
Democratic Republic of Congo, (2010)

Novaya Gazeta
Russia (2009)

Talking Points Memo
United States (2008)

Mizzima News Agency
India/Myanmar (2007)

Yemen Times
Yemen (2006)

SW Radio Africa
United Kingdom (2005)

Central Asia and Southern Caucasian Freedom of Expression Network
Azerbaijan (2004)

Media Council of Tanzania
Tanzania (2003)

Serbia (2002)

Malaysia (2001)

Instituto Prensa y Sociedad
Peru (2000)

Ethiopian Free Press Journalists Association
Ethiopia (1999)

Radio B-92
Serbia (1998)

Alliance of Independent Journalists
Indonesia (1997)

Russia (1996)