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Media freedom increasingly at risk, IPI says on WPFD

The International Press Institute (IPI) marked World Press Freedom Day 2017 with a public demonstration of support for journalists imprisoned for their work in Turkey, and with a video message warning of the increasing deterioration in levels of press freedom worldwide and of the emerging trends in attempts by governments and others to stifle independent […]

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Wie österreichische Medien mit Hasspostings gegen JournalistInnen umgehen

Read this article in English Auch wenn das Thema „Hasspostings“ (gegen JournalistInnen, aber auch gegen Dritte oder abstrakte Gruppen) erst im Jahr 2016 eine erhöhte mediale Aufmerksam bekam, kämpfen Medien schon seit Längerem damit. Alle digital tätigen Medienhäuser mussten sich in den letzten Jahren Gedanken machen, wie sie mit diesen Herausforderungen umgehen. Dahinter stehen neben […]

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Austrian media use range of tools to fight online abuse

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel auf Deutsch While the topic of online abuse – against journalists, but also against third parties – may have gained increased media attention in 2016, Austrian media outlets have struggled with the problem for some time now. In recent years, all media outlets with a digital presence have had to think […]

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Study: Nationalism behind threats to Turkey journalists

In Turkey, words such as “traitor” and “terrorist” appear frequently in violent threats directed against journalists on social media as part of campaigns led by supporters of the country’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) . IPI’s interactive database of online abuse against journalists, part of its Ontheline programme, collected 176 instances of violent threats […]

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