Our Network – IPI heroes
World Press Freedom Heroe 2024
Palestinian journalists
covering Gaza
IPI World Press Freedom Heroes are journalists who have displayed tremendous courage and resilience in fighting for media freedom and the free flow of news.
At a special ceremony at IPI’s 2000 World Congress in Boston, we named our first 50 World Press Freedom Heroes to mark our 50th anniversary. In 2010, we brought the list to 60 at a special ceremony in Vienna. The award is now given annually at our World Congress.
Since 2015, IPI has been proud to present the World Press Freedom Hero award in partnership with International Media Support (IMS).
The Heroes of the IPI demonstrate that in spite of every obstacle and every constraint the truth ultimately prevails and is made known.
– IPI World Press Freedom Hero and former Washington Post Publisher Katharine Graham (Boston, 2000)

Akbar Ganji
Iran (2010)

Pap Saine
Gambia (2010)

Nedim Şener
Turkey (2010)

Laurence Gandar
South Africa (2010)

Lydia Cacho Ribeiro
Mexico (2010)

May Chidiac
Lebanon (2010)

Lasantha Wickrematunge
Sri Lanka (2010)

Hrant Dink
Turkey (2007)

Anna Politkovskaya
Russia (2006)

Aslam Ali
Pakistan (2000)

Omar Belhouchet
Algeria (2000)

Kenneth Best
Liberia (2000)

J. Jesús Blancornelas
Mexico (2000)

Grémah Boukar Koura
Niger (2000)

José Burgos Jr.
Philippines (2000)

Guillermo Cano Isaza
Colombia (2000)

Juan Pablo Cárdenas
Chile (2000)

Pedro Joaquín Chamorro
Nicaragua (2000)

Júlio De Mesquita Neto
Brazil (2000)

Gao Yu
China (2000)

Amira Hass
Israel (2000)

Đoàn Viết Hoạt
Vietnam (2000)

Abdi İpekçi
Turkey (2000)

Kemal Kurspahić
Bosnia and Herzegovina (2000)

Daoud Kuttab
Palestinian Territories (2000)

Gwen Lister
Namibia (2000)

Mochtar Lubis
Indonesia (2000)

Savea Sano Malifa
Samoa (2000)

Veran Matić
Serbia (2000)

Adam Michnik
Poland (2000)

Fred M’membe
Zambia (2000)

Indro Montanelli
Italy (2000)

Nizar Nayyouf
Syria (2000)

Freedom Neruda
Cote d'Ivoire (2000)

Pius Njawé
Cameroon (2000)

Germán Ornes
Dominican Republic (2000)

Raúl Rivero
Cuba (2000)

Faraj Sarkohi
Iran (2000)

Arun Shourie
India (2000)

André Sibomana
Rwanda (2000)

U Thaung
Burma (2000)

Jacobo Timerman
Argentina (2000)

Ricardo Uceda
Peru (2000)

Eleni Vlachou
Greece (2000)

C.E.L. Wickremesinghe
Sri Lanka (2000)

José Rubén Zamora
Guatemala (2000)