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Wave of attacks on Ecuador news sites before election

Lea esta noticia en español. Ecuador’s restrictive communications laws have limited investigative journalism to news websites constantly struggling amid precarious economic circumstances, so the takedown of five online media outlets in less than 72 hours following numerous digital attacks represents a troubling development. The incidents have come ahead of a presidential election set for Feb. […]

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Oleada de ataques contra medios digitales en Ecuador antes de los comicios

Read this article in English. La restrictiva Ley de Comunicación de Ecuador ha reducido el periodismo de investigación a portales especializados que lidian constantemente con una situación económica precaria. En este sentido, es especialmente preocupante los ataques que han recibido cinco páginas web de noticias en menos de 72 horas y que, como consecuencia, estuvieron offline […]

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Media needs guidelines to counter online abuse

“Three-quarters of a year ago we issued a directive to report everything that is even remotely illegal,” Stefan Kaltenbrunner, editor-in-chief of Austrian daily Kurier, said in an interview with IPI when asked how his newspaper counters verbal abuse and threats against its journalists. He confirmed that Kurier had already reported 40 to 50 comments to […]

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Online harassment brings special risks for freelance journalists

Greek freelance journalist Anthi Pazianou found herself in the middle of an online abuse campaign in September after the leader of an extreme right-wing movement posted a photo of Pazianou with a refugee football team whose story she had recently covered along with other refugee-related issues on the Greek island of Lesbos. The post, which […]

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