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So far IPI-Admin has created 2003 blog entries.

Etaf Roudan: Journalism has given me the tools to empower women

“The great majority of woman journalists in Jordan has suffered from different types of attacks or other obstacles”, IPI Executive Board member Etaf Roudan said in an interview with IPI on January 17. Roudan, who is also the director of Radio Al-Balad in Jordan, explains that in a conservative society like Jordan it is much [...]

South Korea should withdraw new ‘fake news’ legislation

The IPI global network today expressed serious concern over a bill in South Korea that would raise punishments for media outlets sued for publishing “fake news”. South Korea’s governing Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) has introduced an amendment to the Media Arbitration Act that lawmakers claim is intended to combat the spread of false information. [...]

IPI condemns raid on Al Jazeera office in Tunisia

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and journalists for press freedom, today vehemently condemned the raid on the Al Jazeera office in Tunis and urged the Tunisian government to respect press freedom. According to media reports, the office of Al Jazeera television network in the Tunisian capital Tunis, was [...]

Guest Article: COVID-19 contact tracing apps: A threat to press freedom and journalists’ privacy?

Contact tracing is seen as a crucial tool to combat the coronavirus pandemic. To facilitate this process, more and more countries are relying on digital mechanisms such as contract tracing apps. As their purpose is to track people’s location and movement, by their very nature these apps raise challenging questions about privacy, including for the [...]

Noted anti-corruption journalist arrested in Bangladesh

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network for editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today vehemently condemned the arrest of Bangladeshi journalist Rozina Islam and demanded her immediate release. According to news reports, Rozina Islam, a senior reporter of Prothom Alo, a leading  national newspaper, was arrested in the capital Dhaka [...]

Over 600 COVID-19 related press freedom violations in past year

A little more than one year after the start of the global COVID-19 pandemic, IPI data show the extent to which media outlets and journalists have faced harassment and attacks while doing their jobs in reporting on the unprecedented health crisis. Since February 5, 2020, IPI’s COVID-19 Press Freedom Tracker has recorded 620 press freedom [...]

In Zimbabwe, one year of COVID-19 saw surge in harassment of free press

One year ago, in March 2020, Kudzanai Musengi, a senior journalist, was covering the impact of a freshly imposed COVID-19 lockdown in the central business district in Gweru, Zimbabwe, when he was suddenly arrested. Police claimed that Musengi had been working without valid accreditation. Musengi’s arrest was a harbinger of Zimbabwe’s coming efforts to silence [...]

Malaysia ‘fake news’ law a threat to press freedom

Malaysia’s new “fake news” regulation poses a grave threat to press freedom and freedom of expression, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. The country’s government implemented the law under emergency powers imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic. In doing so, it circumvented the Malaysian parliament, which was suspended earlier this year as part of [...]

Spanish regional daily focuses on network-building to keep local journalism strong

This article is part of IPI's series "Media Freedom in Europe in the Shadow of Covid" Heraldo de Aragón is a regional daily newspaper in Spain founded 125 years ago and published in Zaragoza, in the country’s northeast Aragón province. It has the highest circulation in its distribution area. In 2011, it founded Hiberus, a [...]

IPI re-launches COVID-19 press freedom tracker with new features

Visit the IPI COVID-19 Press Freedom Tracker   Nearly 500 press freedom violations in connection with COVID-19 have taken place this year, according to the International Press Institute (IPI)‘s COVID-19 Press Freedom Tracker. Since March, IPI has monitored attacks on journalists and limitations on press freedom related to the ongoing pandemic. IPI today [...]

As China eyes up Czech media, CME purchase renews concern

Local oligarchs have spent the last decade buying up Czech media outlets in a bid to add political power to their economic clout. However, Czech billionaire Petr Kellner’s purchase of Central European Media Enterprises (CME) may represent a new degree of danger to democracy. The EU approved the purchase of CME, which operates 30 TV [...]

Recht auf Information leidet in Rumänien während Pandemie weiter

Read in English In Rumänien ist das Recht auf Zugriff auf Informationen oft eine komplizierte Angelegenheit für Journalisten und Bürger gleichermaßen. Zeugenaussagen in der Bukarester und der regionalen Presse beschreiben willkürliche Verweigerungen der Behörden, die angeforderten Daten freizugeben, ungerechtfertigte Verzögerungen und verworrene bürokratische Verfahren, die oft vor Gericht enden. Die Auswirkungen auf eine faire und [...]

Covid-19 lays bare precarious working conditions of Croatian journalists

Deutsch In mid-March, when the number of coronavirus cases started rising across Europe, Croatia reacted swiftly by imposing restrictive measures: the national state of emergency was declared on March 13, and all non-essential businesses closed on March 19. Journalists were among the essential workers who continued going to work every day, exposing themselves and their [...]

Zimbabwe press freedom suffers under pandemic

On July 30, as Zimbabweans prepared to launch a nation-wide demonstration against government corruption, armed police raided the house of investigative journalist Mduduzi Mathuthu in Bulawayo. As he was not there, police arrested his sister. The warrant issued for Mathuthu’s arrest said that he was wanted in connection with “organising and advocating for illegal demonstrations [...]

Zimbabwe arrests journalist who exposed Covid-related fraud

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today condemned the arrest of Zimbabwean journalist Hopewell Chin’ono.  The prominent journalist, known for his coverage of corruption in the country, was arrested by state security on July 20. Chin’ono had recently published a report revealing Covid-19 [...]

Egyptian journalist dies after contracting Covid-19 in prison

Egyptian journalist Mohamed Mounir has died after contracting Covid-19 while in pre-trial detention in Cairo’s notorious Tora prison. Mounir’s death on July 13 comes after the International Press Institute (IPI) repeatedly called on Egypt to free all jailed journalists due to the serious health risks posed by the coronavirus pandemic. Mohamed Mounir died ten days [...]

Tajikistan passes coronavirus ‘fake news’ law

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, expressed strong concern over controversial amendments in Tajikistan saying these measures will stifle press freedom in the country. On July 4th, President Emomali Rahmon signed amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses that make it illegal to [...]

Russischen Journalisten drohen inmitten schleichender Zensur Bußgelder und Ermittlungen

Read this in English. Journalisten in Russland, die über den Umgang der Behörden mit der Covid-19-Pandemie berichten, sehen sich weiterhin mit Bußgeldern und Ermittlungen aufgrund neuer Gesetze zu „Fake-News" konfrontiert, was die ohnehin schon feindselige Landschaft für kritische und unabhängige Medien noch verschärft. Während der Coronavirus-Pandemie hat die Medienaufsichtsbehörde des Landes Dutzende Lösch- und Korrekturanordnungen [...]

Russian journalists face fines and probes amid creeping censorship

Zur deutschen Version Journalists in Russia reporting on the authorities’ handling of the Covid-19 pandemic are facing continued fines and investigations stemming from new laws on “fake news”, intensifying an already hostile landscape for critical and independent media. During the coronavirus pandemic the country’s media regulator has issued dozens of take down and correction orders [...]

IPI and partner organizations launch new protocol on COVID-19 coverage

A coalition of press freedom and journalism organizations including the International Press Institute (IPI) is launching a new safety resource to help news organizations respond to the extraordinary challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on the safe commissioning of freelance journalists. Produced by the ACOS Alliance, the COVID-19 News Organizations Safety [...]

Two more journalists arrested in Egypt

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today vehemently criticized Egypt for the arrest of two journalists, describing it as part of a brutal campaign of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to silence critical journalists. Haisam Hasan Mahgoub, a correspondent of the independent daily Al [...]

India increasing abuse of laws to harass journalists

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today expressed grave concern over the misuse of the law by authorities in India to intimidate journalists and curtail press freedom. On May 11, Dhaval Patel, owner and editor of the Gujarati news portal “Face of Nation”, [...]

India’s not-for-profit The Wire answers to no boss but its audience – and that pays off

It’s been fascinating to watch as India’s The Wire has emerged over five years as one of the key new digital voices in South Asia. It’s developed a distinct voice and filled an important gap, particularly as the country has been confronted with the challenges of populism and religious conflict. Over that time, I’ve had [...]

New ‘fake news’ law stifles independent reporting in Russia on COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, dozens of states around the world have implemented criminal measures aimed at combatting the spread of misinformation about the virus on the internet and social media. For many governments, these vaguely defined laws are part of an ill-judged reaction to tackling an increase of rumours and incorrect information online during the [...]

Pandemic exacerbates repression of independent journalism in Cuba

After six decades of Fidel Castro’s authoritarian rule, Cuban authorities are still persecuting independent journalists, maintaining a media monopoly and controlling information. While the country has opened to up to greater international engagement in recent years, critical journalists are still routinely subjected to intimidation, arbitrary detentions, travel restrictions, physical attacks, threats, and raids on their [...]

Somalia: Press freedom deteriorating at rapid pace

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, has urged Somalia President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed to take immediate steps to end the harassment of journalists and media outlets. In letters sent to the president last week, IPI expressed serious concern over the rapidly deteriorating state [...]

IJ4EU fund opens new calls for cross-border investigative journalism

The IJ4EU fund today, May 5, opened two new calls for cross-border investigative journalism projects in the EU and EU candidate countries. IJ4EU’s Investigation Support scheme will provide grants of between €5,000 and €50,000 to new cross-border investigative projects, including those that have recently begun as well as new phases of existing projects. The deadline [...]

How IPI members are facing the COVID-19 challenge: Turkey

Kaya Heyse, Deputy Chief Editor, Medyascope, Turkey Medyascope's newsroom has been extensively following the coronavirus crisis since China reported its first case in late December 2019. The first few days of the outbreak were muddled with uncertainty. The virus didn't have a name yet - "a mysterious virus" was the name opted for by our editors. Soon it became [...]

How IPI members are facing the COVID-19 challenge: India

Riyad Mathew, Chief associate editor, Malayala Manorama, India Can journalists work from home? This was the question weighing on our minds when the lockdown was announced in India. So, we opted for a ‘report from the field; write from home’ strategy. The challenges we face are manifold. What could be conveyed with a shout across the newsroom [...]

How IPI members are facing the COVID-19 challenge: Bangladesh

Karim Waheed, Editor, Digital, The Daily Star, Bangladesh Covering COVID-19, or news coverage on the whole as the pandemic rages on worldwide and in Bangladesh, has been a novel experience. Managing a remote newsroom, which became imperative during this time of crisis, without sacrificing standards and missing out on major, developing news required radically new ideas, [...]

Appeal for Malta to request Europol assistance in Daphne investigation

The International Press Institute (IPI) joined ten other media freedom and journalist rights groups in a letter to Malta’s Attorney General calling for the formation of a Joint Investigation Team with Europol to assist in the investigation into the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia, killed by a car bomb on October 16, 2017. Read the [...]

Harassment of journalists in Kashmir worsens amid new legal cases

The authorities in Jammu and Kashmir should immediately withdraw cases registered against three journalists in the region and end all harassment of the press, the International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, said today. On April 20, the police in Jammu and Kashmir announced that [...]

Growing press freedom violations in Africa amid COVID-19

With the rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 infections in Africa, governments across the continent quickly imposed lockdowns to prevent the disease’s further spread. In many countries, these measures included blanket bans on movement, while others imposed social distancing. The tough enforcement of these rules has posed serious challenges for journalists and media outlets [...]