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Grenada electronic defamation bill now law, despite government promise

Grenada quietly allowed a controversial electronic defamation bill to become law last October despite government promises of reform, the International Press Institute (IPI) has learned from local sources. On Sept. 23, 2013, Prime Minister Keith Mitchell, responding to concerns that IPI and other groups had raised about the Electronic Crimes Bill, publicly announced: “I have […]

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IPI’s News Innovation Platform to host digital media event in South Africa

Leading into the International Press Institute (IPI)’s April 12 to 15 World Congress in Cape Town, IPI’s News Innovation Platform (IPI-NIP) will host a one-day symposium on digital media, focusing on sustainability, on Monday in Johannesburg. The event, titled “Opens external link in new windowChallengeSSS of the New Age”, will take place at the 54 […]

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Egyptians approve new Constitution

Egyptian voters have approved an amended Constitution that strengthens guarantees of freedom of the press and expression and a ban on government interference in the news media. In response to the vote, the International Press Institute (IPI) today urged the interim government to live up to the spirit of the new fundamental law by freeing […]

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2013: A look back at journalists in the dock

Freedom of the press came under threat in 2013 in ways – and in some countries – that would have seemed inconceivable when the year began. As the International Press Institute (IPI) today launches its “World Press Freedom Review”, highlighting press freedom violations over the past two years, one sobering development in 2013 was the […]

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