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IPI letters to Jordanian king, prime minister urge lifting of news website closures

The executive board of the International Press Institute (IPI) this week delivered formal letters to Jordan’s king and prime minister expressing concern over the Jordanian government’s closure of nearly 300 news websites earlier this week. The move, characterised in the letters as a “step backward for press freedom and democracy” in Jordan, came less than […]

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Venezuelan journalists continue to face hostile environment

Following April’s presidential election, the International Press Institute (IPI) has continued to monitor events in Venezuela. Numerous recent incidents suggest press freedom remains under threat since President Nicolás Maduro officially took office. In recent weeks, there have been reports of a number of physical attacks against the media. On May 27, an explosive devise was […]

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Jordanian authorities block more than 200 Internet news websites

Jordanian authorities ordered the country’s internet services providers (ISPs) to block access to more than 200 websites on Sunday, according to the news website Al Bawaba. The decision comes just two weeks after IPI’s World Congress, which was held in Amman May 19-21. The International Press Institute (IPI) condemned the blockage of internet news websites […]

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Section of India’s Information Technology Act threatens free speech

The recent arrest of a lawyer in India’s Andhra Pradesh state over a Facebook post has added to the controversy surrounding a section of the country’s Information Technology Act, which has been used to punish social media users critical of the government. The incident highlights the need for the world’s largest democracy to guard against […]

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