Latest News on OnTheLine

New Telecommunications Law in Mexico endangers press freedom

In July of this year, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto signed into law a new regulatory framework for the country’s telecommunications sector (Ley de Telecomunicaciones y Radiodifusión, “Broadcasting and Telecommunciations Act”). The legislation was designed to put into practice a 2013 constitutional reform that, according to the Mexican government, aimed to increase competition in a historically […]

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Jordanian website blocked for a second time

The Jordanian Media Commission blocked the news website on Monday, just one year after blocking the outlet’s original domain, The original domain was blocked in June 2013 on the basis of the country’s Press and Publication Law (2012), which requires websites to obtain licences from the statutory Media Commission in order to publish. […]

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In a world where public trust in government has reached a new low, a free and unobstructed press is more vital than ever

When I sit down at the office and turn on my computer I am greeted with an inbox full of press releases highlighting government incursions into newsrooms all around the world. As a press freedom intern helping monitor press freedom developments in the Middle East here at the International Press Institute (IPI), I read press […]

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Trinidad and Tobago discusses Cybercrime Bill this week

Last February, Trinidad and Tobago was praised by many human rights groups, including the International Press Institute (IPI), for approving legislation to partially decriminalised defamation. However, today press freedom advocates in the country are concerned about a cybercrime bill, currently being discussed in Parliament this week, which in its current language imposes disturbing restrictions on […]

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