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IPI calls for Sri Lanka to allow access to news websites

The International Press Institute (IPI) today expressed concern at press freedom restrictions imposed by the Sri Lankan government, in particular the blockage of the Colombo Telegraph and other news websites in Sri Lanka. “Sri Lanka must ensure that the website of the Colombo Telegraph and other news websites are not blocked in the country, as […]

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IPI deeply disappointed by Turkey Twitter ban

The International Press Institute (IPI) and its affiliate, the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), today expressed deep disappointment at efforts by Turkey to shut down access to Twitter ahead of local elections. Reuters said that Twitter users in Turkey reported widespread outages today, with some browsers displaying a statement by Turkey’s telecommunications provider citing […]

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IPI calls for end to media pressure in Crimea

The International Press Institute (IPI) today called for an end to violence, harassment, intimidation and other pressure on journalists and media outlets in Ukraine. IPI Executive Director Alison Bethel McKenzie, in an open letter to authorities in Crimea, urged them to bring to justice those responsible for a number of recent incidents in the region […]

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Costa Rican reporter endures months of police monitoring

Costa Rica may suffer a blow to its image as one of Latin America’s beacons of democracy after a government agency was accused of spying on one of the country’s most popular daily newspapers. Diario Extra reported that the Investigative Police Body in Costa Rica, or the OIJ, had been monitoring and recording the telephone […]

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