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IPI commemorates World Press Freedom Day 2016

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joined free expression and press freedom watchdogs across the globe in commemorating World Press Freedom Day. In a video interview from IPI’s Vienna headquarters, IPI Director of Advocacy and Communications Steven M. Ellis noted that press freedom is necessary to creating just and fair societies, and he saluted the […]

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Shields Up! Protecting journalists, bloggers from online harassment

Journalists and bloggers are increasingly the victims of online harassment including death threats, verbal abuse and smear campaigns, in addition to technical attacks. The aggressors in these cases share a common goal: to intimidate journalists into silence and put a stop to critical commentary or investigative reporting that is intended to expose misdeeds and serve […]

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In Turkey, technical attacks imperil digital media survival

Pressure on Turkey’s media has become so intense that even online outlets, regarded by many observers as the last remaining space for free expression, now face an existential threat. In its 2015 special report on Turkey, “Democracy at Risk”, the International Press Institute (IPI) observed that “given the amount of pressure brought to bear on […]

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‘Major repression’ of Turkey media brought to UN Human Rights Council

The International Press Institute (IPI) and leading media freedom and free expression watchdogs have brought the ongoing deterioration of free expression in Turkey before the U.N. Human Rights Council, urging it to press Turkey’s government to end a state of “major repression”. IPI joined PEN International, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), Danish PEN, German […]

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