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#IPIWoCo: Fight online smear campaigns with facts, editors say

On the opening day of the International Press Institute (IPI)’s 2019 World Congress in Geneva, Switzerland, leading editors called for greater efforts to expose and combat targeted online smear campaigns against journalists. Speaking at the World Congress’s Town Hall Meeting, Zaffar Abbas, editor of the Pakistani daily Dawn, said state and non-state actors were increasingly […]

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An Internet for all, by all

Last week, Spain’s port city Valencia was home to the Internet Freedom Festival (IFF), an annual event bringing together activists, journalists and members of the technology community to discuss means and collaboration in fighting censorship and surveillance. The Festival, in accordance with its title “Joining Forces to Fight Censorship and Surveillance”, took place in a […]

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IPI calls on the Jordanian Ministry of Interior to reconsider the implementation of new Internet Café regulations

The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists in over 120 countries, is deeply concerned about the newly issued measures for regulating Internet cafés in Jordan. According to information before IPI, the Jordanian Ministry of Interior has recently issued regulations for the close monitoring of Internet cafés under […]

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‘Rampant sexism’ in attacks on Turkey’s women journalists

The deterioration of press freedom in Turkey is hardly breaking news for international media; the imprisonment of journalists, the abuse of anti-terror laws, online censorship through blocking access to news websites and sporadic bans on social media are currently among the most well-known methods being used to silence critics. But another serious challenge to press […]

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