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Pakistan cybercrime bill raises fears of online censorship

A bill that would give extraordinary power to the Pakistani government to censor online content continues to raise alarm among the country’s civil society as it moves through Parliament. Passed in April by the National Assembly, the lower house of Pakistan’s Parliament, the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Bill (PECB) is currently under review by a […]

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UK newsrooms seek social network help to curb online abuse

Social media has turned into a double-edged sword for newsrooms: It is an irreplaceable resource of news content and audience engagement but it can also expose journalists to online abuse that impacts their ability to work and causes severe distress. To fight the negative effects stemming from social media, newsrooms in the United Kingdom have […]

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UN rights council calls on states to protect human rights online

The International Press Institute (IPI) today welcomed a UN Human Rights Council (HRC) resolution highlighting the protection of human rights on the Internet – and in particular freedom of expression and access to information – as fundamental to any sustainable development agenda. Approved by consensus, the resolution expresses concern over abuse committed against persons exercising […]

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Myanmar journalists accused of cyber-crime over op-ed

A case alleging that Myanmar news outlet Mizzima Media committed a cyber-crime by publishing a column online criticising a rival media outlet’s reporting risks setting a dangerous precedent and should be dismissed immediately, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. A Mizzima columnist and two editors were granted bail on Thursday after prosecutors moved forward […]

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