Latest News on OnTheLine

Tools and strategies for online moderators to address abuse on social media

The International Press Institute (IPI) has published a new resource for online moderators of news outlets to address abuse that takes place on social media. The tools and strategies for managing debate on Facebook and Twitter are part of IPI’s Newsrooms Ontheline platform, which collects best practices for countering online harassment against journalists. Newsrooms worldwide […]

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IPI launches resource platform for newsrooms on online abuse

A new website launched on July 9 by the International Press Institute (IPI) offers comprehensive resources for newsrooms to combat online harassment against journalists and its effects on press freedom. Although harassment and abuse of journalists online are growing across the globe, there are few concrete resources available for newsrooms to respond to the dangers […]

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#MemberInterview: Kadri Gürsel on Istanbul’s mayoral re-election on June 23

The International Press Institute (IPI) talked with IPI Executive Board member and Turkey National Committee chair Kadri Gürsel following the re-run of Istanbul’s mayoral election on June 23, which was won by opposition candidate Ekrem İmamoğlu – despite the AKP party’s near complete control over traditional media in Turkey. Gürsel was previously detained for 11 […]

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Coalition finds ‘deteriorating’ press freedom in Albania

Press freedom in Albania is “deteriorating”, a coalition of press freedom organizations including the International Press Institute (IPI) said today following a three-day mission to the southeastern European country. In its preliminary findings, the coalition highlighted numerous challenges to independent journalism in Albania, including unresolved physical attacks against journalists, smear campaigns targeting the critical press […]

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