Latest News on OnTheLine

BLOG: UK newsrooms aim to foster better conversations in comment sections

Comment sections of news sites are one of the arenas where journalists may become targets of abuse and vitriol. To tackle this issue, media organizations in the UK have adopted various measures to better manage and moderate the comments on their websites. Representatives of the International Press Institute (IPI) and the Organization for Security and […]

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Politics, gender key triggers for online abuse in Poland

The International Press Institute (IPI), a Vienna-based global press freedom organization, today launched a new report on online abuse against journalists in Poland, identifying domestic politics, refugees, Polish-Jewish history and gender issues as the topics most likely to attract threatening and hateful messages. IPI conducted a fact-finding mission to Poland in June 2018 as part of […]

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Politics, gender key triggers for online abuse in Poland

The International Press Institute (IPI), a Vienna-based global press freedom organization, today launched a new report on online abuse against journalists in Poland, identifying domestic politics, refugees, Polish-Jewish history and gender issues as the topics most likely to attract threatening and hateful messages. IPI conducted a fact-finding mission to Poland in June 2018 as part of […]

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BLOG: UK media tackle online abuse with peer support measures

Newsrooms in the United Kingdom have implemented different formal and informal peer support systems to help their journalists better cope with online harassment. The International Press Institute (IPI) is conducting a fact-finding mission to the UK this week as part of its OnTheLine project, which explores the measures media organizations have introduced in the newsroom […]

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