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IPI Podcast: Online attacks and smear campaigns are pushing Slovenian journalists to the limit

In this latest episode of IPI’s ‘The Press Freedom Files’ podcast, IPI Head of Digital Communications Javier Luque looks into the increasingly difficult situation journalists face in Slovenia. A rise in online abuse and campaigns to discredit the media fuelled by a populist government leave journalists with a difficult decision to make: Either accept all […]

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Indian govt’s clash with Twitter exposes its fear of public debate

The recent farmers’ protests in India led to an exceptional dispute between the government and Twitter, as the social media platform has refused the Indian government’s request to block hundreds of accounts, including those of journalists. The disagreement began on February 1 when Twitter blocked or deleted 250 accounts and tweets at the request of […]

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IPI Podcast: Anti-press sentiment in The Netherlands fosters online attacks against journalists

The tightening of the COVID-19 restrictions in The Netherlands triggered riots and violence that swept the streets of the country’s main cities on the weekend of January 24th. Far-right rhetoric and conspiracy theories proliferating across Europe have planted a seed of distrust in the media, increased polarization and, observers say, awakened a dormant racism in […]

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Report: Media Freedom in Europe in the Shadow of COVID-19

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today launched its new report Media Freedom in Europe in the Shadow of COVID-19. The monitoring report presents a summary of the violations arising from the pandemic that IPI has documented throughout the year on its COVID-19 […]

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