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IPI Analysis: Turkey’s human rights action plan vs. reality

On March 2, 2021, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced a 128-page “Human Rights Action Plan” (İnsan Hakları Eylem Planı in Turkish) consisting of nine primary objectives and 50 goals based on 11 basic principles and 393 action points to improve the implementation and protection of human rights in Turkey. The plan is to be implemented over a […]

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International groups call on EU leaders to prioritize fundamental rights ahead of Turkey visit

The International Press Institute (IPI) and 20 international human rights and freedom of expression organizations sent today a joint letter to the presidents of the European Council and European Commission to call on EU leaders to prioritize improved human rights records in Turkey ahead of their visit to the Turkish president Erdoğan on April 6.

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IPI Podcasts: What should be done against misogynistic abuse online and by whom?

IPI speaks with new OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Teresa Ribeiro and IPI Executive Director Barbara Trionfi about concrete actions several actors – from governments to the judiciary as well as news outlets – should adopt to combat one a growing threats to press freedom. Both share the recommendations and suggestions contained in […]

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IPI partners in South Asia highlight hostile environment for women journalists

The International Press Institute (IPI) recently launched the first-ever cross-border collaboration project between media organizations in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Nepal. As part of this innovative effort “Covering and investigating attacks against journalists in South Asia: a Cross-Border cooperation”, IPI’s media partners have documented the hostile environment and attacks faced by women journalists in the […]

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