Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

South Africa journalists obtain order against activists

A Johannesburg court today granted South African journalists’ request for an order to stop a campaign of intimidation by activists from a group seeking expropriation of white-owned land who last week picketed the home of an editor and published a list of journalists to target. The South African National Editor’s Forum (SANEF) on Tuesday asked […]

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Pioneer Award aids fight for Afghan journalists’ safety

“What I want the world to remember is to give some sort of recognition to the bravery and courage of those journalists who go to remote parts of Afghanistan to find the truth and report it to the public,” Najib Sharifi, director of the Afghan Journalists Safety Committee (AJSC), said as he accepted the IPI-IMS Free […]

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IPI joins renewed call to appoint OSCE media freedom representative

The International Press Institute (IPI) has joined seven other leading international press freedom and free expression organisations in urging member states (“participating states”) of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) to fill the vacant position of OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media (RFoM). The organisations underscored that the next office older […]

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EU expert: Disruption of media revenue models challenge for democracy

At the International Press Institute (IPI)’s 2017 World Congress last month in Hamburg, Paul Nemitz, principal advisor to the European Commission’s Director General for Justice and Consumer Protection, highlighted three challenges to media freedom in Europe: Government pressure on critical journalists, media concentration, and the impact technology companies have on the revenue models of traditional media. “If […]

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