Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Zurück nach Afrika! IPI hält Weltkongress 2018 nächsten Juni in Abuja, Nigeria, ab

Read in English Das International Press Institute (Internationales Presseinstitut, IPI) kündigte heute an, dass es seinen jährlichen Weltkongress 2018 vom 21. bis 23. Juni in der nigerianischen Hauptstadt Abuja abhalten wird. Unter dem Motto “Warum guter Journalismus entscheidend ist” (“Why Good Journalism Matters”) wird der Weltkongress die unverzichtbare Rolle von Qualitätsmedien beim Aufbau starker Gesellschaften bekräftigen. […]

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#MemberQ&A: Atmosphere in India worsening for critical media

This month’s killing of renowned journalist Gauri Lankesh, shot dead outside her home in Bangalore, has again put a spotlight on safety of journalists and the state of press freedom in India. Lankesh, founding editor of the Kannada-language weekly tabloid Gauri Lankesh Patrike, was found dead on her porch with multiple bullet wounds to her […]

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IPI blasts South Sudan’s refusal to probe reporter’s death

The International Press Institute today (IPI) condemned the South Sudanese government’s refusal to investigate the death of a freelance journalist killed on Saturday in fighting between government forces and rebels, and it demanded that authorities meet their obligation to distinguish journalists covering conflict from combatants. The 26-year-old freelance journalist from the United States, Christopher Allen, […]

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IPI condemns attacks on journalists in South Sudan

South Sudanese authorities must investigate assaults on journalists covering anti-United States protests this week in the capital city, Juba, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. The attacks occurred on Tuesday as hundreds of South Sudanese demonstrated against a recent United States arms embargo in front of the United States embassy and United Nations mission […]

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