Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

La impunidad mantiene en jaque al periodismo en México

Read this article in English. El periodista Luciano Rivera Salgado fue asesinado el pasado lunes en Rosarito, México, justo el día en el que se cumplían dos años de los asesinatos de la colonia Narvarte, uno de los casos que conmocionó al mundo en el que el fotoperiodista Rubén Espinosa, junto a cuatro activistas, fueron […]

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Media freedom increasingly at risk, IPI says on WPFD

The International Press Institute (IPI) marked World Press Freedom Day 2017 with a public demonstration of support for journalists imprisoned for their work in Turkey, and with a video message warning of the increasing deterioration in levels of press freedom worldwide and of the emerging trends in attempts by governments and others to stifle independent […]

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Journalism trainers attacked in Russia

The International Press Institute (IPI) today condemned a series of attacks and other provocations in recent days in Russia apparently intended to disrupt a seminar on investigative journalism. Early this morning in the city of Yoshkar-Ola, approximately 800 kilometres east of Moscow, unknown individuals broke the ground story window of a private, two-story guest house […]

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Ethiopia’s Eskinder Nega named IPI Press Freedom Hero

Ethiopian journalist and blogger Eskinder Nega, who has been imprisoned since 2011 after criticising his country’s abuse of anti-terror laws to silence the press, has been named the International Press Institute (IPI)’s 69th World Press Freedom Hero. IPI also announced today the Afghan Journalists Safety Committee as the recipient of the 2017 Free Media Pioneer […]

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