Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Q&A: Russian journalists facing ‘intolerable’ situation

Zur deutschen Version On Oct. 23, a man stabbed Russian radio host and Ekho Moskvy Deputy Editor-in-Chief Tatyana Felgenhauer in the throat at the radio station’s offices in central Moscow. Felgenhauer survived the attack, but only after spending the next few days in a medically induced coma. Authorities identified the attacker as a Russian-IsraeIi citizen […]

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IPI condemns Albania PM’s anti-media remarks

Recent verbal attacks on Albania’s media by Prime Minister Edi Rama have again raised concerns over respect for media independence in the country, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. Last Thursday, Rama opened a two-day, EU-organised media conference in Tirana with a speech accusing his country’s media of violating and invading individuals’ dignity “from […]

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IDEI: 71 journalist deaths so far this year

At least 42 journalists around the world have lost their lives this year thus far as a consequence of their work, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today to mark the annual International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists on Nov. 2. IPI’s Death Watch, which since 1997 has tallied journalists deliberately targeted […]

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International groups unite to demand justice in Malta killing

The killing Monday of Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia in a car bomb has sparked shock and outrage across Europe. “The murder of a journalist in an EU member state is incredibly disturbing and underscores the dangers journalists everywhere face in their efforts to uncover wrongdoing,” International Press Institute (IPI) Executive Director Barbara Trionfi […]

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