Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Spate of recent journalists’ deaths highlights ongoing danger

The recent deaths of four journalists in four countries over four days illustrates not only the continuing danger that journalists face across the globe, but the need to protect their safety and fundamental rights and end impunity for crimes against them, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. Journalists died in Brazil and Ukraine, respectively, on […]

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International mission to Sri Lanka pushes for critical reforms

Critical reform measures must be taken to make permanent a clear perception of increased media freedom in Sri Lanka since the Jan. 8 presidential election, an international media mission to the country said today. Mission delegates said they observed a sense of optimism among Sri Lankan journalists about the future of their profession, which they […]

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International mission calls for end to surveillance of journalists in northern Sri Lanka

Continued surveillance of journalists and media organisations in the north of Sri Lanka must cease, members of an international media mission to Sri Lanka said today. Surveillance, monitoring and following of journalists are incompatible with a free media and the principles of open government that should underpin the 100 day reform process. The international media […]

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IPI calls for justice in killing of Bangladeshi blogger

The International Press Institute (IPI) today called for a thorough and swift investigation into yesterday’s brutal murder of American-Bangladeshi blogger Avijit Roy in Dhaka. Roy and his wife, Rafida Ahmed, were leaving a book fair in the Bangladeshi capital late in the evening when they were attacked by unidentified men with machetes. Roy died of […]

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