Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

IPI calls on Malaysia to repeal Sedition Act amid wave of journalist arrests

Malaysia should repeal its colonial-era Sedition Act, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today amid a wave of criminal sedition cases against journalists and commentators that observers say are intended to intimidate critical voices into silence. Most recently, a Kuala Lumpur court on Friday charged a well-known political cartoonist with nine separate counts of sedition, defined […]

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Cae el último bastión para la libertad de prensa en México

Read this article in English El asesinato del fotoperiodista Rubén Espinosa junto a cuatro mujeres el pasado 31 de julio en Ciudad de México fue devastador para la multitud de reporteros que se han refugiado en las calles de la capital, huyendo de las amenazas de muerte en sus lugares de origen. “La sensación de […]

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In Mexico, a last bastion of press freedom falls

Lea este artículo en español The murder of photojournalist Rubén Espinosa together with four women in Mexico City on July 31 was devastating for the many Mexican journalists who have sought refuge in the streets of the capital, fleeing from death threats in their home states. “The sense of fragility is very large,” says Daniela […]

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Myanmar journalists decry ‘brutal’ police attacks

Authorities in Myanmar urgently need to investigate the arrests and reported beatings by police officers of journalists covering recent protests and to punish all those responsible for the use of excessive force, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. “Reports that police officers targeted journalists seeking to cover demonstrations are shocking,” IPI Interim Executive Director […]

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