Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

IPI urges investigation into Polish journalist’s beating death

The International Press Institute (IPI) today called on authorities to fully investigate the case of a journalist beaten to death in north central Poland earlier this month and to bring his killer to justice. Lukasz Masiak, 31, a well-respected journalist at local online news outlet in the town of Mlawa, was killed at a […]

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IPI urges investigation into Polish journalist’s beating death

The International Press Institute (IPI) today called on authorities to fully investigate the case of a journalist beaten to death in north central Poland earlier this month and to bring his killer to justice. Lukasz Masiak, 31, a well-respected journalist at local online news outlet in the town of Mlawa, was killed at a […]

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Indian journalist who covered illegal mining killed, burnt

The International Press Institute (IPI) today expressed dismay at the second murder of a journalist in India this month and urged the country’s government to ensure that those responsible for the deaths are brought to justice. Sandeep Kothari, a journalist from the Madhya Pradesh state in India, was found dead Saturday night after having been […]

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Five Bangladesh journalists, 19 others, named in death threat

The International Press Institute (IPI) today called on Bangladeshi authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into a banned Islamist group’s death threat against 24 people, including five journalists, and to take steps to ensure the safety of those threatened. The group, Ansarullah Bangla Team, made the threat in a letter issued yesterday that specifically targeted […]

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