Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

IPI calls on Hong Kong’s leader to uphold press freedom amid protests

Amid major protests that began last month in the streets of Hong Kong and that call into question issues of freedom of expression, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA ) has said that press freedom in the autonomous region have deteriorated and have called 2014 “the darkest [year] for press freedom for several decades.” In […]

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UN Human Rights Council reaffirms its commitment to journalist safety

The International Press Institute (IPI) welcomes the adoption last week of a United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) resolution on safety of journalists, which highlights states as primary duty-bearers when it comes to preventing and halting attacks against journalists. This is the second time that the HRC, which includes representatives from 47 UN member states, […]

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Islamists behead second American journalist

The International Press Institute (IPI) today expressed outrage at the beheading of freelance American journalist Steven Sotloff by a militant affiliated with the Islamic State. “There are no words to truly express the shock, sadness and outrage we feel over the reports of the brutal murder of Mr. Sotloff,” IPI Executive Director Alison Bethel McKenzie […]

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IPI condemns Islamists’ murder of American journalist

The International Press Institute (IPI) today condemned the apparent murder of freelance American photojournalist James Foley by militants seeking to carve out an Islamic state in Iraq and Syria. A video posted online yesterday purported to depict an extremist from the Islamic State beheading Foley, who disappeared in Syria in November 2012 while reporting on […]

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