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Afghanistan’s Upper House opposes controversial amendments to media law

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today welcomed the decision of the Upper House of the Afghan Parliament to oppose controversial amendments to the country’s media law and called on the government to withdraw them. On June 20th, the Upper House of the […]

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Briefing: As lockdowns lift, spike in attacks on journalists covering protests in Europe

This briefing note, prepared by the International Press Institute (IPI), provides an update of press freedom violations documented in Europe since mid-May. It follows previous briefings published in April and May, which focused solely on the emerging Covid-19 crisis. It highlights key trends observed by members of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) and presents […]

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New details on Hong Kong security law heightens press freedom concern

The draft of China’s national security law for Hong Kong has heightened concerns for press freedom and raised fears of self-censorship amongst journalists and media outlets in the special administrative region, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. The details of the draft national security law were released on June 20 after a three-day review […]

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Hungary’s says independence in ‘grave danger’

The International Press Institute (IPI) today expressed urgent alarm over the future of, Hungary’s largest independent news website, after Index journalists said the site’s independence was in “grave danger.” Nearly 100 Index journalists and staff members, including Editor-in-Chief Szabolcs Dull, released a statement Sunday evening saying that the site was under “external pressure that […]

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