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Tanzania bans yet another newspaper

The International Press Institute (IPI, a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today condemned the Tanzanian government’s banning of the Tanzania Daima newspaper. The government of Tanzania issued an order on June 23 banning the print and distribution of the newspaper within and outside the country. The government has […]

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IPI concerned over Facebook’s deactivation of journalists’ accounts

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, is concerned over Facebook’s deactivation of accounts of journalists in Syria, Tunisia and Palestine. Over the last few months, dozens of Syrian, Tunisian and Palestinian journalists and activists have complained that their accounts have been deactivated by […]

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Slovak journalist continuing investigative work of Ján Kuciak receives bullet in mailbox

Police in Slovakia must thoroughly investigate a possible death threat issued against an investigative reporter at Slovak online news outlet, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. On the morning of Thursday, June 25, Aktuality investigative journalist Peter Sabo awoke to find a pistol bullet in the mailbox of the Bratislava apartment where he lives with […]

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Russischen Journalisten drohen inmitten schleichender Zensur Bußgelder und Ermittlungen

Read this in English. Journalisten in Russland, die über den Umgang der Behörden mit der Covid-19-Pandemie berichten, sehen sich weiterhin mit Bußgeldern und Ermittlungen aufgrund neuer Gesetze zu „Fake-News” konfrontiert, was die ohnehin schon feindselige Landschaft für kritische und unabhängige Medien noch verschärft. Während der Coronavirus-Pandemie hat die Medienaufsichtsbehörde des Landes Dutzende Lösch- und Korrekturanordnungen […]

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