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Russian journalists face fines and probes amid creeping censorship

Zur deutschen Version Journalists in Russia reporting on the authorities’ handling of the Covid-19 pandemic are facing continued fines and investigations stemming from new laws on “fake news”, intensifying an already hostile landscape for critical and independent media. During the coronavirus pandemic the country’s media regulator has issued dozens of take down and correction orders […]

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Egypt’s media clampdown continues with new arrests of journalists

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today condemned the arrest of Egyptian journalist Nora Younis, editor-in-chief of al-Manassa news agency on June 24. Security forces raided the office of al-Manassa in Cairo and searched its computers before arresting Younis, who is also a […]

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IPI condemns beating of journalist and threats of violence during Serbian election

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today condemned the beating of journalist Sasa Mikic and threats of violence against reporters and media workers covering parliamentary elections in Serbia. On election day on June 21, Mikic, a longtime sports journalist who was on assignment […]

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IPI condemns record ad ban on Turkey’s Evrensel newspaper

The International Press Institute (IPI) today strongly condemned the 45-day ban on independent newspaper Evrensel by the Turkish Public Advertising Agency (BİK) over a column published on May 5, 2020. This is a record length for a public ad ban on a newspaper so far in Turkey. Evrensel, an independent newspaper with a focus on […]

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