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Google’s ‘outrageous support to partisan media’ puts Turkey’s fragile communities at risk

Imagine that the Google News Initiative decides to fund InfoWars, the far-right American conspiracy theory and fake news website. Imagine that Google declines to blacklist InfoWars from its ad networks or algorithmically downgrade it as a reliable news source in its search engine. In fact, imagine that you search for “Jew,” “LGBTI+” or the full […]

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Cambodian newspaper publisher arrested over Facebook posts

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today condemned the arrest of Cambodian newspaper publisher Ros Sokhet on June 25. Sokhet, the publisher of Khmer Nation newspaper, had published Facebook posts critical of the Prime Minister Hun Sen. The Phnom Penh Municipal Court issued a […]

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IPI concerned over Facebook’s deactivation of journalists’ accounts

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, is concerned over Facebook’s deactivation of accounts of journalists in Syria, Tunisia and Palestine. Over the last few months, dozens of Syrian, Tunisian and Palestinian journalists and activists have complained that their accounts have been deactivated by […]

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Hungary’s says independence in ‘grave danger’

The International Press Institute (IPI) today expressed urgent alarm over the future of, Hungary’s largest independent news website, after Index journalists said the site’s independence was in “grave danger.” Nearly 100 Index journalists and staff members, including Editor-in-Chief Szabolcs Dull, released a statement Sunday evening saying that the site was under “external pressure that […]

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