Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Philippine radio journalist shot dead

Aldion Layao, a former radio journalist and currently a village council chairman was shot dead in Davao city on April 8, according to media reports. Layao was on his way home with a relative in a car, when he was shot by two unidentified men on a motorcycle. He was hit twice in the neck […]

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Press freedom under threat ahead of Dominican Republic elections

Lea en español The International Press Institute (IPI) today called on the Dominican Republic to protect its citizens’ right to information as the country prepares for the final month of a divisive presidential campaign. The frontrunners in the election, scheduled for May 20, are Danilo Medina Sánchez of the ruling Dominican Liberation Party (DLP) and […]

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Libertad de prensa está amenazada al acercarse la elección presidencial en República Dominicana

Read in English El Instituto Internacional de la Prensa (IPI, por sus siglas en inglés) ha instado hoy al gobierno de la República Dominicana a proteger el derecho de sus ciudadanos a informarse en el último mes de una dividida campaña electoral presidencial. Los principales candidatos para las elecciones del próximo 20 de mayo son […]

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German journalists threatened by Salafist group

A video released on YouTube last week threatened a number of German journalists critical of a campaign by a radical Muslim group that subscribes to a radical Salafist interpretation of Islam to hand out free copies of the Koran in Germany, German newspaper Die Welt was reported by other German media as saying. The group, […]

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