Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Ten journalists wounded in Somalia suicide bombing

IPI condemns the suicide attack that took the lives of six people, including two top Somali sports officials, and seriously wounded 10 Somali journalists, according to reports. A suicide bomber blew up the newly re-opened national theatre in Somali’s troubled capital Mogadishu during a ceremony that was meant to celebrate the one-year anniversary of Somali […]

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Periodista argentino es amenazado por investigar narcotráfico

Read in English El Instituto Internacional de la Prensa (IPI, por sus siglas en inglés) expresó hoy su preocupación por las amenazas que ha recibido el periodista argentino Hernán Lascano, las cuales empezaron en 2010 y parecen estar aumentando de intensidad, hasta el punto de involucrar a su familia en la última amenaza escrita, enviada […]

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Argentinean journalist threatened after investigating drug trafficking

Lea en español The International Press Institute (IPI) expressed today its concern about the threats against journalist Hernan Lascano, which began in 2010 and appear to be increasing in intensity, to the point of involving his family in the last written threat, sent on March 26. Lascano, who works as head of the Crime department […]

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SEEMO to conduct mission to Bulgaria

The Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), will visit Bulgaria from April 2-3. The purpose of the visit to is to acquire a better understanding of the media situation in the country. In recent years, SEEMO has received complaints regarding pressure on media outlets. In addition, […]

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