Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Deadly week for journalists across the globe

A series of journalists, and a media activist, were killed this week, and another was viciously attacked on Friday, starkly highlighting the grave global threats to the safety of journalists. The International Press Institute (IPI) was saddened to learn of the death of several citizen reporters in Syria, in the past few days, despite a […]

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Journalists attacked in Azerbaijan

The International Press Institute (IPI) today urged Azerbaijan’s government to hold accountable those responsible for beating five journalists in Baku yesterday. Security guards for the state oil company SOCAR allegedly severely beat Idrak Abbasov – a reporter with the Zerkalo newspaper and the Baku-based media-monitoring group Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) – and […]

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Mob storms Indian magazine

An angry mob attacked the staff of a magazine in the Indian city of Mumbai this morning, leaving at least one of the publication’s employees seriously wounded, according to an IPI source. Approximately 20 individuals stormed the circulation department of The Week, an English-language magazine published by the Malayala Manorama Group.  The magazine’s deputy manager […]

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Turkish PM accuses Syria of holding Adem Özköse and Hamit Coşkun prisoner

IPI today expressed alarm at suggestions that Turkish journalists Adem Özköse and Hamit Coşkun have been in the custody of Syrian authorities since March 10, and that at least one of them, according to news reports, may have been tortured. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan yesterday said that Syria was holding the journalists prisoner […]

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