Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Five journalists jailed in Myanmar

The International Press Institute (IPI) today called for the immediate release of five journalists sentenced last week to spend 10 years in prison for alleged defamation and violations of Myanmar’s national security laws. The Pakokku Township Court on Thursday sentenced four reporters and the chief executive of the Unity Journal to imprisonment at hard labour […]

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Amid attacks against the press, Nigeria remains hopeful

Over the past few months, Nigeria has seen numerous attacks on journalists and press freedom — including newly proposed broadcasting regulations, assaults on newspaper and broadcast vehicles and the targeting of journalists — and observers have expressed concern about what appears to be a dangerous trend in a country where the press has played an […]

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In a world where public trust in government has reached a new low, a free and unobstructed press is more vital than ever

When I sit down at the office and turn on my computer I am greeted with an inbox full of press releases highlighting government incursions into newsrooms all around the world. As a press freedom intern helping monitor press freedom developments in the Middle East here at the International Press Institute (IPI), I read press […]

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Central African Republic journalist dies from 2013 injuries

The International Press Institute (IPI) was saddened today to learn of the death of Radio Be Oko journalist Elisabeth Blanche Olofio in the Central African Republic, who succumbed to injuries she reportedly sustained in January 2013. According to the Community Radio Association (ARC), Seleka rebels attacked and destroyed Olofio’s home on Jan. 4, 2013 in […]

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