Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Two months after journalist murder, Slovakia still waits for real change

Zur deutschen Version Today marks two months since Slovak journalist Ján Kuciak and his partner, archaeologist Martina Kušnírová, were found shot dead, execution-style, in their home in the town of Veľká Mača. Police immediately suspected that the murder was related to Kuciak’s work as an investigative journalist for the online news site, where he […]

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Zwei Monate nach Journalistenmord wartet die Slowakei immer noch auf einen Systemwandel

Read in English Heute ist es genau zwei Monate her, dass der slowakische Journalist Ján Kuciak und seine Verlobte, die Archäologin Martina Kušnírová, exekutionsartig ermordet in ihrem Haus in Veľká Mača aufgefunden wurden. Die Polizei vermutete sofort, dass der Mord etwas mit Kuciaks Arbeit als Enthüllungsjournalist für die Online-Nachrichtenseite zu tun hatte. Dort berichtete […]

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IPI condemns attack on journalists in India’s West Bengal state

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, journalists and media executives, today vehemently condemned recent attacks on journalists in the Indian state of West Bengal and demanded that the state government take action against those responsible for these assaults and ensure the safety of journalists. Several journalists, including women reporters, were attacked […]

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Groups demand justice 6 months after Malta journalist’s murder

Today in London, a group of free expression, press freedom, and anti-corruption groups renewed calls for full justice for the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. A courageous investigative reporter and blogger who relentlessly exposed corruption, Caruana Galizia was killed six months ago, on October 16, 2017, when a car bomb detonated as she drove […]

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