Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Mexico, India lead in impunity for killings of journalists

Governments around the world are failing to investigate the murders of journalists, according to the Vienna-based International Press Institute’s (IPI) Death Watch. Mexico and India are the two countries where the greatest number of recent cases are pending investigation. As many as 100 journalists lost their lives around the world in connection with their work […]

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IPI supports media freedom demonstration in Slovakia

Thousands of Slovaks marched in Bratislava on May 4 to protest against attacks on freedom of press in the country and to demand a proper investigation into the killing of reporter Ján Kuciak, who exposed corruption in the government. According to media reports some 15,000 to 20,000 people participated in the protest, which was held […]

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Bombings kill 9 journalists in Kabul

A double suicide bombing in Afghanistan’s capital Kabul on Monday killed more than 25 people, including nine journalists, and injured many more. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks. The first bombing occurred around 8 a.m. local time in the Shashdarak area close to several government institutions and the NATO headquarters in the country. A […]

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WPFD: Corruption reporting a leading cause of journalist killings in past 12 months

On February 22 this year, police found the bodies of Ján Kuciak, a reporter with the news website, and his girlfriend at his home in Slovakia. Kuciak had been investigating corruption in government; his reporting exposing links between an Italian crime mafia and some members of the Slovak government was published after his death. […]

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