Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Amid new evidence, IPI and ACM push for justice for murdered Haiti journalist

The International Press Institute (IPI) and the Association of Caribbean MediaWorkers (ACM) today called on the Haitian justice system to take seriously the findings of an official investigation into the 2000 murder of journalist Jean Léopold Dominique. The judge leading the investigation, Yvickel Dabrésil, presented a report to a Haitian appeals court on Friday recommending […]

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IPI verurteilt Einschüchterung von pakistanischen Nachrichtenagenturen

Read in English Das Internationale Presse Institut (IPI), ein weltweites Netzwerk aus Redakteuren, Medienvertretern und führenden JournalistInnen, ist zutiefst besorgt über die derzeitigen Zwangsmaßnahmen gegen die Pressefreiheit in Pakistan. In Briefen an den pakistanischen Übergangspremierminister (Retd) Nasir-ul-Mulk; den Vorsitzenden des obersten Gerichtshofs von Pakistan Saqib Nisar; den Leiter des pakistanischen Wahlprüfungsamtes Sardar Muhammad Raza, den […]

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IPI condemns intimidation of news organizations in Pakistan

Zur deutschen Version The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for media freedom, is deeply concerned about ongoing coercive measures to curtail the independence of the press in Pakistan. In letters sent to Pakistan Prime Minister Justice (Retd) Nasir-ul-Mulk; Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan […]

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IPI condemns killing of Kashmiri journalist Syed Shujaat Bukhari

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for media freedom, today vehemently condemned the killing of editor Syed Shujaat Bukhari by unidentified assailants in Indian-administered Kashmir. Bukhari, editor-in-chief of the daily Rising Star, was shot dead outside his office by three unidentified men riding a motorbike in […]

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