Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Human Rights Day: Press freedom under threat around the world

The right to freedom of opinion and expression is facing severe threat around the world, as democracies and authoritarian regimes alike are undermining press freedom and the public’s right to information, the International Press Institute (IPI) said ahead of the Human Rights Day on December 10. The Vienna-based global network of editors, media executives and […]

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IPI executive board condemns death threats to Dawn editor and CEO in Pakistan

The undersigned members of the global Executive Board of the International Press Institute (IPI) are appalled by death threats made against fellow IPI Executive Board member and Dawn editor Zaffar Abbas as well as Dawn CEO Hamid Haroon during demonstrations outside the offices of Dawn in Pakistan. On December 3 protestors laid siege to Dawn’s […]

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Troubled transition: cracks appear in Ethiopia’s media reform project

In October, Ethiopia’s 43-year-old reformist prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, made international headlines by becoming the first African statesman in over a decade to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Along with his critical role in building long-term peace and international cooperation in the Horn of Africa, the Nobel Committee also recognized the young leader’s remarkable success […]

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IPI welcomes EU Commissioner Jourova’s commitment to defending media freedom

The new European commissioner for values and transparency, Věra Jourová, assured the International Press Institute (IPI) in a meeting in November that the European Commission will do its utmost to ensure the protection of media freedom and media pluralism in the EU. Jourová told an IPI delegation, led by IPI Executive Director Barbara Trionfi, that […]

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