Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Bulgarian newspaper editor left unconscious after attack

Police in Bulgaria should conduct a swift and comprehensive investigation to establish whether the assault of newspaper editor Slavi Angelov was as a result of his work as a journalist, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. Angelov, the editor-in-chief of the weekly 168 Hours newspaper, was reportedly attacked by two masked men armed with […]

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Bulgarian newspaper editor left unconscious after attack

Police in Bulgaria should conduct a swift and comprehensive investigation to establish whether the assault of newspaper editor Slavi Angelov was as a result of his work as a journalist, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. Angelov, the editor-in-chief of the weekly 168 Hours newspaper, was reportedly attacked by two masked men armed with […]

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Journalism in Kashmir: State of repression

Just one day after The Hindu last August published a report on what was described as “revolving door arrests in Kashmir”, Peerzada Ashiq, the newspaper’s correspondent in the region, heard a knock on his own door. It was a police summons.  When Ashiq arrived at the station, he was questioned for about an hour about […]

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IPI condemns massive press freedom restrictions in Jammu and Kashmir

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and journalists for press freedom, today called on the Indian government to end the intimidation and harassment of journalists and to restore full internet and social media access in Jammu and Kashmir. Press freedom in Jammu and Kashmir is under serious threat from […]

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