Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Cyprus (North)

Remembering Giorgos Karaivaz: One year later, targeted killing remains unresolved 

April 9 marks the one-year anniversary of the killing of veteran Greek crime reporter Giorgos Karaivaz in Athens. Ahead of the date, the partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) today honour Karaivaz’s memory and call on the Greek authorities to urgently bring to justice all those responsible for this abhorrent murder and to […]

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Vietnam: Journalist sentenced to prison for ‘abusing democratic freedoms’

The IPI global network strongly condemns the sentencing of Vietnamese journalist Nguyen Hoai Nam to three-and-a-half years in prison this week for criticizing the government’s handling of a corruption case. We urge authorities to release Nam and all other imprisoned journalists in the country, and to immediately cease their campaign of intimidation and harassment of […]

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Disturbing reversal: Turkey transfers Khashoggi trial to Saudi Arabia

The IPI global network denounces the decision by Turkish authorities to transfer the murder trial of slain Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi to Saudi Arabia – a move that is all but certain to ensure those responsible for his brutal killing will continue to elude justice. We call once again on the international community to […]

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India: Court lifts travel ban on journalist Rana Ayyub

The IPI global network condemns the Indian government’s continued harassment of prominent journalist Rana Ayyub, after authorities last week barred her from leaving the country as she was boarding an international flight to speak at events about press freedom. While Delhi’s High Court today canceled the travel ban, we call on India’s ruling party to […]

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