Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Dutch journalist forced to leave Greece after threats and intimidation

The IPI global network today expresses regret over the involuntary departure of Dutch journalist Ingeborg Beugel from Greece, after she faced physical and online threats following a heated exchange with the Greek prime minister over refugee pushbacks in the Aegean Sea. IPI stands in full support and solidarity with Beugel and calls on Greece to […]

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Dutch journalist forced to leave Greece after threats and intimidation

The IPI global network today expresses regret over the involuntary departure of Dutch journalist Ingeborg Beugel from Greece, after she faced physical and online threats following a heated exchange with the Greek prime minister over refugee pushbacks in the Aegean Sea. IPI stands in full support and solidarity with Beugel and calls on Greece to […]

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Belarus: Government moves to stamp out remaining independent media

The IPI global network today expresses grave concern over the latest efforts by state authorities in Belarus to stamp out any remaining form of independent media left within the country and urges the international community to respond firmly to the latest string of attacks on media freedom and freedom of expression. On 4 November, the […]

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IPI welcomes U.S. blacklisting of NSO Group over Pegasus spyware abuses

The IPI global network today welcomes the decision by the United States government to blacklist Israeli company NSO Group over the abuse of its spyware technology Pegasus to target journalists and others, and urged other democratic countries around the world to follow the Biden administration’s lead by sanctioning and regulating the technology. On November 3, […]

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