Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Turkey: Two journalists violently detained while covering student demonstration

The IPI global network condemns the intimidation and violence used by the Turkish police against two female journalists who were covering a demonstration in Istanbul. Journalists must be free to cover protests in public places. IPI urges Turkish authorities to take immediate steps to end police aggression against journalists and hold those responsible for such […]

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Turkey journalist threatened after reporting on student’s suicide

The IPI global network today condemned threats against Turkish journalist Faik Akgün and the newspaper Günışığı, based in the central Anatolian city of Elazığ, after the newspaper published a report on the suicide of a university student. IPI calls on Turkish authorities to protect Akgün and the newspaper against any threats targeting journalist safety and […]

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Malta: Implementation of Public Inquiry recommendations must meet international standards

<strong>Our organisations note the <a href=””>announcement</a> by Prime Minister Abela of the appointment of a Committee of Experts to implement the recommendations of the Public Inquiry into the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia. The Public Inquiry recommendations include the recognition in law of journalism as the fourth pillar of democracy, and the need to create […]

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Bulgaria: Serious threat against investigative journalist Atanas Tchobanov

The IPI global network today expresses serious concern over the warning received by one of Bulgaria’s most prominent investigative journalists, Atanas Tchobanov, about an immediate threat to his life. IPI urges Bulgarian authorities to thoroughly investigate the threat, take all necessary measures to protect his safety and ensure those responsible are swiftly identified. On 7 […]

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