Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Yemen: new government, same challenges to press freedom

Feb. 27, 2012 marked the symbolic transition of power in Yemen from former President Ali Abdullah Saleh to newly-elected President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi. Massive demonstrations and uprisings beginning in Jan. 2011 brought about the change of power from Saleh to Hadi, illustrating the peoples’ desire for democracy. The end of Saleh’s 33-year-long dictatorship ushered […]

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SEEMO condemns verbal attack on journalist by president of Republika Srpska

The Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), today called on Milorad Dodik, president of Republika Srpska, the Serbian entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to respect press freedom as an essential democratic right. On June 2, 2012, Dodik asked Ljiljana Kovacevic, the local correspondent of the Belgrade-based […]

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Colombian rebels free French correspondent

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC, according to its Spanish acronym), freed reporter Romeo Langlois on Wednesday, May 30, after taking him as a “prisoner of war” on April 28. As IPI reported earlier, Langlois is a correspondent for France 24 and Le Figaro, and was taken hostage during crossfire between FARC guerrillas and Colombian government […]

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Legal framework and impunity are key challenges to Nepal’s journalists

In a report released last week by the International Fact-Finding and Advocacy Media Mission, a coalition of organisations dedicated to the promotion of freedom of expression and media development, members expressed concerns about Nepal’s media environment and the impunity surrounding attacks, even deadly ones, against journalists in the country. The  report is based on the […]

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