Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

Award-winning journalist who writes on organised crime in Bulgaria threatened

Bulgarian investigative journalist Lidia Pavlova, who specialises in reporting on organised crime in southwest Bulgaria for the Blagoevgrad-based daily Struma and who has been the subject of a number of threatening incidents in recent years, was threatened again late last week. Pavlova’s family car was set on fire on May 25 in the town of […]

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Russian radio journalist survives attack

A Russian radio journalist stabbed 20 times last night in an attack that some suggested was linked to his work is reportedly expected to survive. A Moscow police spokesperson said an unknown assailant lured Radio Mayak journalist Sergei Aslanyan out of his apartment building with a telephone call and hit the journalist in the head […]

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IPI urges Azerbaijan’s president to investigate attacks on, imprisonment of journalists

The executive director of the International Press Institute (IPI), Alison Bethel McKenzie, yesterday sent an open letter to Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev calling on him to investigate reported attacks on journalists, to look into the cases of six journalists currently imprisoned in his country and to make moves forward on decriminalising defamation in Azerbaijan. The […]

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IPI y WAN-IFRA llaman a los candidatos presidenciales en México a trabajar por la seguridad de los periodistas

Read in English El Instituto Internacional de Prensa (IPI, por sus siglas en inglés) y la Asociación Mundial de Periódicos y Editores de Noticias (WAN-IFRA) hicieron hoy un llamado a los candidatos de las venideras elecciones presidenciales en México a incluir entre las prioridades de sus plataformas de campaña tanto la seguridad de los reporteros, como la lucha […]

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