Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

IPI General Assembly adopts six resolutions calling for greater press freedom

Meeting at their annual general assembly on June 25, the members of the International Press Institute (IPI) unanimously passed six resolutions calling on international organisations to rigorously address the issue of journalists’ safety; on the Mexican Federal Government to end impunity for the killers of journalists; on the Ethiopian Government to stop using anti-terror laws […]

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Seven killed in attack on television station in Syria; two injured in attack on TV station in Pakistan

The International Press Institute (IPI) strongly condemned the attack against a television station in Karachi, Pakistan on Monday and today’s deadly attack against a privately-owned television station in Drusha, Syria, which left at least three journalists dead. “Journalists are civilians, and news outlets are independent observers. They should never be seen as  legitimate targets in […]

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Free expression rapporteurs issue joint declaration

The world’s four free expression rapporteurs today unveiled a joint declaration calling for international mechanisms to address crimes against freedom of expression. UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Opinion and Expression Frank La Rue, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović, OAS Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression Catalina Botero and African Commission on […]

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Taiwan president opens IPI World Congress

The International Press Institute’s Annual World Congress and 61st General Assembly in Taipei, Taiwan, began today with an address by the President of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Ma Ying-jeou. The President’s address emphasized his country’s commitment to humanitarian assistance, and its role as a force for peace in the region. It also emphasized the […]

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