Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

IPI’s German National Committee condemns reported attack on journalists in Belarus

Deutsch The International Press Institute (IPI)’s German National Committee today condemned Belarusian police officers’ detention of a number of journalists on Tuesday and the officers’ reported beating of some of the journalists. RFE/RL reported that plainclothes police officers in Minsk detained journalists from Reuters, AP and Germany’s ZDF television – as well as journalists from […]

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International Press Institute rügt Repressionen gegen Journalisten in Weißrussland

Read this article in English Einem Bericht der ZDF-Korrespondentin Anne Gellinek auf zufolge gehen die Behörden in Weißrussland mit Gewalt gegen Journalisten vor, die über die bevorstehenden Parlamentswahlen berichten wollen. Ihr selbst sei ein Visum verweigert worden, um sie an der Arbeit zu hindern. Mitarbeiter ihres Teams seien bei Fernsehaufnahmen von jungen Oppositionellen zu […]

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Ten Colombian journalists threatened with death over interview

At least 10 journalists in the northern Colombian city of Santa Marta were threatened with death after disseminating an interview in which a jailed former paramilitary commander alleged links between his organisation and local politicians, news reports said. The commander, Jesús Gelves Albarracín, known as “El Canoso”, was interviewed on Sept. 7 by journalist Alejandro […]

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International groups express alarm over deteriorating media freedom in Turkey

The International Press Institute today joined with its Turkish National Committee, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), EFJ affiliate the Journalists’ Union of Turkey (Türkiye Gazeteciler Sendikası – TGS) and the Freedom for Journalists Platform (Gazetecilere Özgürlük Platformu – GÖP) to issue a statement expressing alarm over the continuing deterioration of media freedom in Turkey. […]

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