Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

In Trinidad, personal attacks on investigative journalists raise alarm

A public campaign led in part by high-ranking government officials to discredit two prominent Trindadian investigative journalists must end, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. Denyse Renne of the Trinidad Guardian and Asha Javeed of the Trinidad Express have been the target of public accusations and criticism by leading members of the ruling United […]

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Maoist group manhandles Nepali journalist

Nepali journalist Amar Kshitij Bhandari was manhandled on Tuesday by a group of so-called “disqualified Maoist fighters” allegedly affiliated with the United Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) during a demonstration called by them in Rapti Zone, Mid-West Nepal. As part of Nepal’s peace process, the Nepalese army has sought to integrate Maoist fighters spread across […]

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Turkey’s leaders split on media freedom

Turkish President Abdullah Gül spoke out against censorship yesterday, but Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan defended barring some media outlets from covering their Justice and Development Party (AKP)’s convention in Ankara last Sunday. Gül said in remarks opening the legislative year at Turkey’s parliament: “When writers, thinkers and intellectuals share their opinions without fear, such […]

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IPI condemns Argentine government’s attacks on Grupo Clarín

The International Press Institute (IPI) today condemned the Argentine government’s use of television advertising to threaten Grupo Clarín, and renewed its call on President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner to end her verbal attacks on the press. Speaking yesterday before a group of students in the Washington, Kirchner complained that “when a journalist doesn’t like something, […]

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