Latest News on Journalist Safety and Impunity

IPI condemns attacks on Hong Kong journalists

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and journalists, today vehemently condemned the arrests and acts of aggression against Hong Kong journalists and photographers by the police. According to the Hong Kong Journalists Association and Hong Kong Press Photographers Association, the police have targeted journalists while they were covering protests. […]

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Hong Kong fails to condemn police violence against journalists

The International Press Institutes (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today expressed concerned at the failure of the Hong Kong government to publicly condemn and investigate the targeted violence journalists have endured while covering ongoing protests against the government’s proposed changes to extradition law. On Sunday, June […]

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Giornalista italiana vede un peggioramento della libertà di stampa nel paese

Read in English Nel corso di una ricerca dell’International Press Institute (IPI) di Vienna sulla libertà di stampa e le minacce ai cronisti in Italia, Giulia Shaughnessy, collaboratrice dell’IPI, ha parlato con la giornalista Marilù Mastrogiovanni, fondatrice e direttora della testata Il Tacco D’Italia, specializzata in giornalismo investigativo. Per molti anni, Mastrogiovanni ha ricevuto minacce, anche […]

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Interview: Italy’s ‘worsening climate of hate’ toward journalists

Leggi questo articolo in Italiano As part of the International Press Institute (IPI)’s ongoing monitoring of press freedom in Italy, IPI contributor Giulia Shaughnessy spoke with Marilù Mastrogiovanni, a prominent Italian journalist and founder and editor of the newspaper Il Tacco D’Italia, founded in Lecce, Italy. Mastrogiovanni has been the recipient of growing attacks, including […]

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