Mr. Adem Demaqi
Political Representative of the Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK)
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Vienna, 13 November 1998

Dear Sir,

The International Press Institute (IPI) is most concerned about reports that the Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK) has used a military tribunal to impose prison sentences to two employees of the Yugoslav state news agency, Tanjug.

We are informed that a military tribunal has imposed prison sentences on reporter Nebojsa Radosevic, 32, and photographer Vladimir Dobricic, 50, who were abducted on 18 October while on assignment in Kosova and Metohija, and that the Red Cross has been refused access to the two journalists.

IPI, the global networks of editors and media executives, urges you to ensure that the UCK abides by the First Additional Protocal to the Geneval Conventions regarding the rights of journalists in situations of conflict -which provides that “journalists shall be considered as civilians and shall be protected as such” – and that Nebojsa Radosevic and Vladimir Dobricic are released immediately and unconditionally.

We further urge you to authorise an investigation into the whereabouts of another Serbian journalist, Djuro Slavuj of Radio Pristina, and his driver, Ranko Perinic, who have been missing since they were last seen in the city of Orahovac in south-west Kosovo on 21 August, and to ensure that all possible steps are taken to guarantee safe working conditions for journalists covering the conflict in Kosovo.

We thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

Johann P. Fritz