Demonstrators in Bolivia’s administrative capital, La Paz, exploded dynamite cartridges outside the offices of daily newspaper La Razón newspaper on Wednesday, according to local media.

The demonstrators were allegedly angered by the newspaper’s editorial stance, which they claim is “at the mercy of and in favour of businessmen,” reports La Razón.

Nobody was injured in the attack.

The attack took place around 1 p.m. during a protest march staged by miners over the ownership of a site in the Murillo province of the La Paz department.

La Razón reports that the demonstrators made a diversion from the route of their march to stage the attack on the newspaper.

The staff at La Razón had either evacuated the premises or fled to the basement before the explosions, which did not damage the newspaper’s property.

“This type of violence and intimidation against a media organisation is never acceptable,” said IPI Deputy Director Alison Bethel McKenzie. “The Bolivian authorities must do everything possible to find and bring those responsible for the attacks to justice. This time we are fortunate not to be counting the injured. Next time it could be worse, so a clear message must be sent that violence against the media will not be tolerated.”